Date de sortie : 1980
Auteur-Compositeur : Joe DOLCE
Album : Shaddap you face (1981)

Allo I'm Guiseppe I got something special for you
Ready? Uno duo tre quatro
Ready? Uno duo tre quatro
When I was a boy just about the eighth grade
Mama uses to say don't stay out late
With the bad boys always shoot pool
Guiseppe going to flunk school
Boy it make me sick all the t'ing I gotta do
I can't get no hicks always got to follow rules
Boy it make me sick just to make lousy bucks
Got to feel like a fool
And mama used to say all-a time
What's-a matter you hey! Gotta no respect
What-a you t'ink you do? Why you look so sad
It's not so bad it's a nice place
Ah shaddap you face
That's my mama I can remember
Big accordion solo
Ah! Play dat again really nice really nice
Soon come day gonna be a big star
Den I make TV shows and movies
Get myself a new car but still I be myself
I don't want to change a t'ing still dance and sing
I t'ink about mama she used to say
That's my mama I can remember
Big accordion solo
Ah! Play dat again really nice really nice
Soon come day gonna be a big star
Den I make TV shows and movies
Get myself a new car but still I be myself
I don't want to change a t'ing still dance and sing
I t'ink about mama she used to say
What's-a matter you hey! Gotta no respect
What-a you t'ink you do? Why you look so sad
It's not so bad it's a nice place
Ah shaddap you face
Mama she said it all da time
What's-a matter you hey! Gotta no respect
What-a you t'ink you do? Why you look so sad
It's not so bad it's a nice place
Ah shaddap you face
That's my mama
Hello everybody! 'At's out dere in-a radio and TV land
Did you know I had a big hit song in Italy with disc
Shaddap you face
I sing dis song all my fans applaud
Dey clap da hands dat make me feel so good
You ought to learn dis song it's real simple
See I sing "What's-a matter you" you sing "Hey"
Den I sing da rest and den at de end we can all sing
"Ah shaddap you face"
OK let's try it really big! Uno duo tre quatro
That's my mama
Hello everybody! 'At's out dere in-a radio and TV land
Did you know I had a big hit song in Italy with disc
Shaddap you face
I sing dis song all my fans applaud
Dey clap da hands dat make me feel so good
You ought to learn dis song it's real simple
See I sing "What's-a matter you" you sing "Hey"
Den I sing da rest and den at de end we can all sing
"Ah shaddap you face"
OK let's try it really big! Uno duo tre quatro
What's-a matter you hey! Gotta no respect
What-a you t'ink you do? Why you look so sad
It's not so bad it's a nice place
Ah shaddap you face
What's-a matter you hey! Gotta no respect
What-a you t'ink you do? Why you look so sad
It's not so bad it's a nice place
Ah shaddap you face
OK one more time for mama
OK one more time for mama
What's-a matter you hey! Gotta no respect
What-a you t'ink you do? Why you look so sad
It's not so bad it's a nice place
Ah shaddap you face

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